Executive Director
Logan County Chamber of Commerce
We are now Kentucky proud. I mean, we always have been proud of Kentucky and we are, as a Chamber, always Logan proud, but as of earlier this week we are officially KENTUCKY PROUD. As in the only Chamber of Commerce in the state to be named Kentucky Proud.

"Did you know that we have a bunch Kentucky Proud businesses in Logan County?" she asked.
That part I did know, what Amanda found out next I didn't know.
"And that we can become a Kentucky Proud Chamber?" she said. "The first one, from what I can tell."
I think my answer was something like, "Wow." And when Amanda asked if we should apply, I used all of my executive directing powers and said, "Sure."
Amanda admitted that it took a little longer than she thought it would to hear back from the Kentucky Proud program, but she was all smiles as she came into my office earlier this week holding our certificate congratulating the Logan County Chamber as the first chamber of commerce in the state to belong to the Kentucky Proud Promotional Program!
For those who do not know, the Kentucky Proud program is "the official state marketing program for agricultural products. As a Kentucky Proud member, you can consult with the Kentucky Department of Agriculture marketing specialists; apply for grants and cost share funds; buy promotional items at cost; display the Kentucky Proud logo; and take advantage of many more member benefits."
We all should be proud — Kentucky Proud, that is — of our Chamber and we hope to use our new status to help promote and help the businesses in Logan County succeed even more.
On May 8 we will close out our Annual Survey and draw for the two $50 gift certificates. As of writing this we have a little over 80 surveys filled out. Our goal is 100, but we want as many surveys as possible from the membership to help us develop the goals on our upcoming Strategic Plan. So, if you haven't, please fill out your survey this week.
ANNUAL SURVEY LINK: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/C29WSC5
The 2014-2015 Leadership Logan Class had their graduation this Thursday. Not enough can be said about this bunch of leaders and future leaders who come from all sectors and walks of life in Logan County. I told the class at their graduation that when I'm out visiting they are often mentioned as a respectful, inquisitive and bright group of people. You couldn't ask for more from a group representing the Chamber and Logan County. Congratulations, Class of 2014-2015!
One gigantic key to any successful business is customer service. On May 19 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Logan County Extension Service building, we are offering a chance for you to send employees, or yourself, to have an intense four hours of customer service training. The cost will be $20 per person and is less than half per person of what it would cost to bring the training to your business. The room can hold up to 100 people and we want to fill every seat. Look for a more detailed description coming on Monday!
Email me at ryancraig@loganchamber.com if you are interested in enhancing the customer service of your business.
There was a great crowd Tuesday for the ribbon-cutting and celebration of the expansion for the Lewisburg Banking facility on Hopkinsville Road in Russellville. The expansion, including wonderfully displayed historic photos of schools in Logan County, is beautiful and is one of the most interesting facilities to view in Logan County. Congratulations to the staff at Lewisburg Bank!!!
There will be a ribbon cutting for Southpoint Risk Advisors (merged Jesse L. Riley & Son Insurance and the Insurance Place) this Wednesday, May 6 @ 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. with the ribbon cutting at 8 a.m. The new office is located on the square in the old First Southern Building. Let's all come out to support Southpoint Risk Advisors!
We had a great meeting this week with another group of heroes who often end up saving the day around here, our Logan County Chamber Ambassadors. The meeting, which was like a 101 Course on how the chamber and the ambassador program works, was very productive and I'm excited for what is ahead. If you are interested in joining the Ambassador Program give me a call at the Chamber and we will be glad to have you!
That is all for this week. There is much more going on in the chamber, but I wanted to keep this brief as we have much, much more to discuss over the next few weeks. With our new email system we hope to reach out on events and other goings on to keep you as informed as we can. Because an informed membership leads to a more involved membership and a better Logan County.
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