Executive Director
Logan County Chamber of Commerce

The program is tentatively called "Chamber Chat" and it will consist of some footage spotlighting local business and industry in the Chamber and I will be interviewing a person from a business, a key figure in a business or community or even perhaps the head of a local charity or program. Now, we are looking for volunteers from our membership to appear on the show. If you, or your business wants to be part of the show, give me a call or email me at the Chamber. We will be in touch later on in the month to let you know when filming will start. This will be a great way to highlight local businesses and we are grateful for General Manager Robert White and the EPB staff for the opportunity.
And, like my television hero Ron Burgundy, we will keep it "classy" and hopefully help the channel's viewers learn more about Logan County, its businesses and the people behind the scenes.
A big thanks to Handbags and More by Judy on Hopkinsville Street in Russellville for allowing the Chamber to come and celebrate Judy's business with a ribbon cutting Thursday. There was a nice crowd and Judy has even nicer merchandise for one to peruse inside! Congrats and future success for Handbags and More!
We also will be having a grand opening and ribbon cutting celebration for Barrow Eye Center on June 24 starting at 8:30 a.m. so make plans to attend that celebration as well.
Let's all make sure we are ready, willing and able to attend, donate, and support the Logan County Relay For Life event next Friday (June 12) starting at 6 p.m. at Logan County High School. There are very few, and perhaps none, of us who haven't had a loved one diagnosed or pass away from some form of cancer. There is hope for a cure and Relay For Life is a huge way to show your support for the hope of a bright, cancer free day or to remember those we love who have gone before us but are not forgotten and are still loved.
That is all for this week. I'm keeping it short because next week will have girth and depth perhaps not seen on this blog. Great news, exciting times and as always thank you for being a member of the Logan County Chamber of Commerce.
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