Executive Director
Logan County Chamber of Commerce
Every so often on Smallbizsurvival.com — a website I occasionally reference on this blog — there is a request for material to fill what they call "The Brag Basket." After some conversations with members and Chamber President Shane Hayes I decided that perhaps we aren't using our new electronic mediums to the fullest of potentials.
That is why, each week, the membership will receive a reminder to pass along something for our brag basket. We will put your upcoming sales, promotions, events or even something as simple as a profile of your new, retiring or employee of the month. We then will promote it on social media. It is another way we can give exposure and value to your membership.
So, give some thought to what you want to put into the Chamber Brag Basket and send an email to ryancraig@loganchamber.com or amanda@loganchamber.com.
Don't worry if you forget, we will be using our new email program, Constant Contact, to remind you of the Brag Basket and how to fill it up.
Earlier this week I attended a short seminar sponsored by the Tennessee Valley Association that asked what "your community is doing to engage your young talent?"
Unless you have been under a generational rock then you probably have heard a whole lot about the "Millennials." Millennials (born from 1982 to 1995) now are the largest percentage of the U.S. workforce at 39 percent. One expert quoted the Brookings Institution as saying that by 2025 Millennials will make up 75 percent of the nation's workforce.
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The Millennials could be the largest generational workforce ever, even larger than the Baby Boomers, and they have many, many different ideas when it comes to work and how they live their lives. As one chart we were given in the seminar pointed out that the Traditional (Silent) generation (born 1922-1945) has nearly left the workforce; Baby Boomers (1946-1964) are leaving the workforce in large numbers; Generation X (1965-1981) my generation will never compromise any more than 22 percent of the workforce, but the Millennials, literally, statistically and inevitability will be the driver of the future and that worries many.
Millennials however don't seem to be worried about the same kind of things the generations before them care about. A chart comparing generations passed out by the TVA showed that Millennials are more tech savvy, are more ethnically and racially diverse, tend to be educated but burdened with student loans, innovative multi-taskers with a heightened environmental and social conscience.
Most of all, though, they value access to things over ownership, most of the things they do are for the experience and they work to live, rather than live to work.
The topic of Millennials and embracing our community's up-and-coming generation will figure into most businesses very soon, if not already, so the Chamber will soon be taking a suggestion from the TVA and asking our young people questions, taking a survey, if you will, of Logan Countians and determining if Logan County is a place Millennials find desirable to live.
First, without our sponsors there would be no Tobacco and Heritage Festival each year. Your support and love of community is THE driving factor of the biggest event in Logan County. On behalf of the Chamber, the board and staff, the Tobacco and Heritage Festival steering committee and all those who enjoy the Festival we can't thank you, the sponsors, and those who volunteer their time to create something special each fall, enough.
We sent the original letters to supporters in May, but with school being out, vacations and how busy life can be, we know there are some donors who donated last year but haven't given yet. We will be sending out another reminder letter next week, but we just want you to know that we appreciate all you have done for us in the past and we hope, with your support, to continue that tradition. If you have donated in the past, or want to donate for the first time and do not want to wait for the letter, call the Chamber office at 270-726-2206. Thanks again to all who make the Festival possible.
There is a ribbon cutting scheduled for the remodeled Bluegrass Cellular store next Wednesday, July 15, from 8 to 9 a.m. This will be a little bit different than most ribbon-cuttings since after the ribbon-cutting portion around 8 a.m. it will basically change over to a coffee and networking event afterward. So, let's all make plans to attend this event. The Bluegrass Cellular store is located at 303 N. Main Street in Russellville.
Brian White has been named the new President of Auburn Banking Company. According to the News Democrat and Leader, Brian is one of the company's youngest presidents at 43 and brings over 21 years of experience and a passion to help he community with their financial needs. Brian is also the 2010 President of the Chamber of Commerce, a former board member and a great supporter of the Chamber. Congratulations to Brian and if you see him tell him tell him how proud we are of him.
We welcome our newest member, AT&T/Spring Mobile. Most of you know where the AT&T store located, but in case you don't it is locate at 125 Sam Walton Drive in Russellville. Come by the AT&T store for all your mobile, home, business and internet needs.
Please remember to stop by Barnes Insurance next Friday, July 17, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to honor the retirement of John Lee Barnes for this 46 years of service to the insurance agency as well as to the community. Let's all make plans to come out and wish John a happy retirement.
That's all for this week. Have a great weekend and if you have any questions, comments or want a visit from me sooner rather than later be sure to give me a call!
Most of all, though, they value access to things over ownership, most of the things they do are for the experience and they work to live, rather than live to work.
The topic of Millennials and embracing our community's up-and-coming generation will figure into most businesses very soon, if not already, so the Chamber will soon be taking a suggestion from the TVA and asking our young people questions, taking a survey, if you will, of Logan Countians and determining if Logan County is a place Millennials find desirable to live.
First, without our sponsors there would be no Tobacco and Heritage Festival each year. Your support and love of community is THE driving factor of the biggest event in Logan County. On behalf of the Chamber, the board and staff, the Tobacco and Heritage Festival steering committee and all those who enjoy the Festival we can't thank you, the sponsors, and those who volunteer their time to create something special each fall, enough.
We sent the original letters to supporters in May, but with school being out, vacations and how busy life can be, we know there are some donors who donated last year but haven't given yet. We will be sending out another reminder letter next week, but we just want you to know that we appreciate all you have done for us in the past and we hope, with your support, to continue that tradition. If you have donated in the past, or want to donate for the first time and do not want to wait for the letter, call the Chamber office at 270-726-2206. Thanks again to all who make the Festival possible.
There is a ribbon cutting scheduled for the remodeled Bluegrass Cellular store next Wednesday, July 15, from 8 to 9 a.m. This will be a little bit different than most ribbon-cuttings since after the ribbon-cutting portion around 8 a.m. it will basically change over to a coffee and networking event afterward. So, let's all make plans to attend this event. The Bluegrass Cellular store is located at 303 N. Main Street in Russellville.
Brian White has been named the new President of Auburn Banking Company. According to the News Democrat and Leader, Brian is one of the company's youngest presidents at 43 and brings over 21 years of experience and a passion to help he community with their financial needs. Brian is also the 2010 President of the Chamber of Commerce, a former board member and a great supporter of the Chamber. Congratulations to Brian and if you see him tell him tell him how proud we are of him.
We welcome our newest member, AT&T/Spring Mobile. Most of you know where the AT&T store located, but in case you don't it is locate at 125 Sam Walton Drive in Russellville. Come by the AT&T store for all your mobile, home, business and internet needs.
Please remember to stop by Barnes Insurance next Friday, July 17, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to honor the retirement of John Lee Barnes for this 46 years of service to the insurance agency as well as to the community. Let's all make plans to come out and wish John a happy retirement.
That's all for this week. Have a great weekend and if you have any questions, comments or want a visit from me sooner rather than later be sure to give me a call!
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