From Ryan Craig
Executive Director
Logan County Chamber of Commerce
Very soon, in a mailbox near you, you will find this invitation:
YOU are invited to the Logan County Chamber of Commerce's Annual Dinner. It will be March 3 and will start at 5:30 p.m. at the Logan County Extension facility. The theme this year will be "Spring Fling."
Expect a fun time and we can't wait to see what those who decorate the tables will come up with this year. Also, the menu will have a real "dinner on the ground" feel with chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, potato salad, pasta salad and cherry and apple cobblers and brownies. Yum and then some!!!
There will be more details coming your way in the next couple weeks! And, just in case you don't have your UK Men's Basketball schedule handy (or memorized), there is no game that night so you don't have to worry about missing tip-off or sweating out if your DVR worked.
Let's say you checked the mail and you didn't get an invitation, fear not! Consider this your invitation and call us to RSVP your spot.
Your invitations will be going out in the next couple days so be looking for them and get ready for our Spring Fling!
Also, if you want to sponsor a table or want to be an overall sponsor for the Annual Dinner, then be sure to contact us here at the chamber by calling us at 270-726-2206
Warren Beeler delights the crowd with his speech. |
It was a record crowd. The food was excellent and our high-profile, much-sought-after speaker did not disappoint.
Needless to say, the 2016 Agriculture Appreciation Breakfast last Wednesday did not disappoint. Executive Director of the Kentucky Governor's Office of Agriculture Policy, Warren Beeler, gave a rousing speech about the "Future of Kentucky Agriculture." Beeler did a great job of mixing personal triumphs (and even a few failures) to tout just how efficient modern agriculture has become. Still, he said, will the farmers of the future be able to feed the world as efficiently, cleanly and abundantly has they do today? A good question, especially in such a large agriculture-driven place like Logan County, for us all to ponder.
Also, we heard an excellent speech from 2016 Chamber President Joe Hendricks encouraging those who farm and those in agri-business to become involved with the Chamber. Hendricks pointed out that the Chamber can help a farmer or agri-business through business development, advocacy and community support. I will also point out that this Chamber is the very first Kentucky Proud Chamber of Commerce in the state and second Joe's plea to those in the
agriculture community to join and become more involved in YOUR Chamber.
Special thanks goes to Mr. Beeler, The Logan County Cattlemen's Association, the Colonial Inn, and the Logan County Cooperative Extension Office. A very special thanks to our sponsors: Agri-Chem, Auburn Banking Company, BB&T, Blackford Real Estate, Brooks and Hendricks, PLLC, Electric Plant Board, Farm Credit Service, First Southern National Bank, H&R Agri Power, Hutson Ag, Lewisburg Banking Company, Logan Bethel Vet Services, Logan Co. Extension services, Logan County Farm Bureau, Moore Insurance, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Russellville Elevator, Security Seed and Chemical, and Southern States Russellville Co-op.
Don't forget to mark "MUST ATTEND" on your calendar for Webb’s Restaurant and its ribbon cutting set for Feb. 12 from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. The ribbon-cutting will start at 8 a.m.
Webb’s is located on 546 South Main Street in Lewisburg. Webb’s aims to satisfy all your dining and catering needs, so call them at 270-755-5005.
That's all for this week. Enjoy the warm weather while it lasts and because it is Kentucky always remember to keep your snow boots next to your swim trunks!!!
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